Mobile Data Communication (PDA), Mobile Data Solution, Enables field staff to initiate transactions, send invoices, take payments, record deliverys, book new calls, order parts.
Today most remote communication is done by phone and most data transfer by modem connection to a phone line. The latest Personal Digital Assistants (PDA's) are a cross between a mobile phone and a computer.
That makes possible the wireless transfer of data and the direct link of the 2 systems.
While every company will have its own needs and priorities; here are some of the benefits that the PDA solution makes possible:
Call centre receives enquiry and inputs data
Contact and job details downloaded to the PDA's
Special pricing downloaded to the PDA's
GPS* information gives directions to get there
Your client can be told your likely arrival time
* GPS - Global Positioning System
Relevant information already downloaded
Extra information available for searching
Client can verify the work, orders, delivery and sign for acceptance
Products or problem areas can be photographed
Visit results can be immediately uploaded
Follow up actions can be agreed with client
Automatic reminders can assist job completion
Invoices can be immediately raised in your standard accounting system
Invoices automatically carry correct discount and pricing data
Full history of the visit and any transactions recorded on database
Stock file for parts and products updated
Reduced voice communication by mobile phone
No errors in data transmission
As well as our 'off-the-shelf' products we also offer a custom software service to develop or adapt handheld software to the way you need it to work. Contact us to discuss your requirements.
Are you using your own office software or in-house database? We provide integration expertise to help you get mobile with Motivity without the pitfalls.
Do you need assistance implementing your new mobile solution? Whether it's configuring handsets or on-site training workshops for your workforce - we're here to help.